Posted on 8/1/2019

HOW HOT ARE YOU? Have you ever stopped to think, who invented the automobile air conditioning system? Probably not until it doesn’t work and then all you care about is getting it fixed and riding in comfort on these hot summer days. The automobile air conditioning system has gone thru a lot of changes and had many different inventors in the past 100 years. In 1902 Willis Carrier, yep that Carrier, invented the first modern electrical air conditioning residential unit. It took more than a decade for the wealthiest Americans to start installing these large, bulky units in their homes. To get colder air quicker, pressurized refrigerants were necessary. Along came the controve ... read more
Posted on 7/16/2019

Celebrating Our Independence As I reflect on the 4th of July holiday, we were blessed to spend time with our family. I will forever be grateful to the brave soldiers that gave the ultimate sacrifice for our Independence from Britain. July 4th, our Nations Birthday, is a time of celebrating being an American. From all walks of life, this day and every day, we become one, AMERICANS! Let us not take this for granted. Did you know that three of our Founding Father Presidents died on July 4th? Thomas Jefferson and John Adams passed July 4, 1826, and James Monroe passed July 4, 1831. Alexander Hamilton, founder of the New York Evening Post called this a “coincidence that has no parallel”. Fun facts about the 4th of July ... read more
Posted on 6/3/2019

YOU’RE NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN This is the time of year we celebrate the graduating classes of 2019. College graduates are excited to start their new career or continue to pursue higher education. Some high school graduates will continue to college, others may be entering the workforce. However, there is a current trend to encourage students to enter the trade school. Fort Madison is fortunate to have a dedicated building trades teacher, Clint Kobelt. He is teaching his students a valuable skill that can earn them a good living without having a large debt. His dedication shows with the awards received in State competition and SCC’s Skills Throwdown. The automotive field is looking for those bright minds that find satisfaction in problem-solving and working with their hands. With the technician shortage across the U.S., both independent repair shops and dealerships are having a hard tim ... read more
Posted on 5/1/2019

HEY MOTHER NATUREWho made you mad? It’s been a long, cold, and snowy winter one like we haven’t seen in years. I believe the younger generation has never experienced a winter like this one. On the positive side, the days are longer and getting warmer, or so we thought. A couple of weeks ago, I sat at my desk looking out the window admiring the Mighty Mississippi with the bluffs of Illinois starting to pop with green. The temperature was almost 80 degrees. Days like these get us thinking of outdoor activities and delicious BBQ’s. Then Mother Nature throws us a 1-2 punch. The sky’s turn gray with rain and the wind blows relentlessly. As I was heading for home, I checked the weather on my phone. WHAT? A feels like temperature of 28 degrees and possible snow on April 27th! A fool I was for not bringing a coat that day. This is just cruel!   ... read more
Posted on 4/1/2019

When the Rubber Meets the Road I was amazed to learn about 2 BILLION gallons of gas each year could be saved if the tires on every American’s car were properly inflated, according to the Car Care Council. I have had looks of disbelieve from customers that want to order two tires and I inform them they need all four because their vehicle is either an All-Wheel Drive or Four-Wheel Drive. Why is this recommended? A new tire is taller in diameter than one that is halfway through its tread depth, sometimes by ½ an inch. A shorter tire must spin faster than a taller tire to keep up. This is the primary reason for drivetrain damage! There should be no more of a 3/32nds difference in tread depth. Here at Griffins, we can help determine if you need replacing your tires. Just stop by at 535 Avenue G Fort Madison, IA and we’ll measure them for you. You can always do the ... read more
Posted on 3/8/2019

Women's History Month As we celebrate Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day on March 8th, I reflect on my personal experiences in the automotive field. How did I get to where I am today? The one thing that stands out growing up is to be told “You can do or be anything you want.” My father was my biggest supporter. He led by example with great patience (something I need to work on). Being by my dad’s side, I learned many things like lawn care, gardening, painting, remodeling. But the most important was how to fix and maintain a car. I was around 11-12 years old and I remember my first experience with being told I couldn’t do something because I was a girl. Dad took me to the National Guard Armory to compete in a BB shoot. I was told this was for boys only. I was understandably upset since I had practiced and practiced for this compet ... read more